Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Bogota Is Another Word For Home

Today was another beautiful day just like every other. Right now I am sitting in the living room of the boy's apartment (the only available Wi-Fi) listening to Cory play his guitar (very well, may I add). I'd say it's a pretty sweet end to an amazing day.
We went to another school and foundation today, ministering to the children. I had so much fun talking to the kids and making them happy. I think that's the best part about going to schools and places with children. Seeing them smile. They are so precious. Pastor Bruce said today that the children really inspired him because children all over the world are the same; even though we all come from different places and cultures and families, we all want the same things and have the same need for love.
Three people on the team that really inspired me today were Cory, Bob, and Donna Jean.
Cory because he hasn't been feeling well and he still pushed through and came with us even though no one would have blamed him if he had stayed here at the church. And yet, he did some really powerful things and spoke life into some really amazing teens that never would have been encouraged like that had Cory not come and seen the potential in them.
Bob Morris inspires me because not only is he amazing at what he does as God in the drama and ministering to people, but he is such an amazing father figure to not only Janine, but to all of us. It's comforting to know that Bob is around to watch us and make sure everyone is okay.
Lastly, Donna Jean really touched me today (and every other day) because she really is all of our stand-in Mommy while we're 3,000 miles from home. Today during one of the programs, I looked down and all of the sudden I wiped my nose and it was bleeding! I was internally freaking out. But all I had to do was go over to Donna (I didn't even say anything), and she knew exactly what to do. She put aside everything else for like 10 minutes to take care of me. It really touched my heart. I love her and everyone else on the team. They've all become like my extended family.
Although we only have three full days left in Bogota, I know that God has even more amazing things for us. I can't wait! Colombia feels like my second home.

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