Monday, August 8, 2011

Cuanto Nos Ama Dios!

Isaiah 6:8 “Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me.”
Today we went to two sites: a school and the Children's Foundation. At the school, the children had so much fun dancing with us! I met a little girl named Annie; she was just precious. She watched me and copied me all through the dances. I think she was about four. It was really fun to talk to the little kids, because they get so excited. We were having them hold up fingers to tell us how old they were. :) After it was done, the teachers and the children prayed over us and blessed us. So beautiful.
At the foundation, we played games with them and sang songs with them, and they even did a little presentation for us about the countries of the world! Then when Donna Jean and Steve were making balloon animals for them, I spent about 15 minutes talking to this adorable group of little girls. I didn't even need a translator (for most of it)! Although I loved all of them, one girl especially touched my heart. Her name was Sara. I gave her the baby doll that I had been saving for the perfect time. The look on her face when I handed it to her was beautiful. What especially touched me is that she named the baby Maria (the Spanish version of my name) and said that it would always remind her of me. I was so moved. I'll certainly never forget her, or any of the other little ones that I met today. They all touched my heart.
“God isn’t looking for people of great faith, but for individuals ready to follow Him"     -Hudson Taylor
Something that intrigued me was that they all were so excited to hear that we were from Los Estados Unidos (The United States). They asked me if I paid for things in dollars, if I got the doll in America, if there were swimming pools there, and if it was beautiful. I half expected it, but at the same time, it was really surprising.
All of the team members have been so inspiring this week. Everyone has completely laid down everything they have to follow God and to do His work here. I'm learning so much about all of them; they've become my extended family. I can only hope to someday have the same love for God that my team members do.
Tomorrow, we're leaving the hotel at 7 o'clock our time. That's the earliest yet! I'm definitely going to go to bed early tonight. I'm already exhausted.
The count of people who have welcomed Jesus into their hearts it roughly 220 so far. I can't believe that we are changing so many lives! And yet, I feel as though the Colombian people have changed my life even more. I've fallen in love with them and in love with this place.

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