Sunday, August 7, 2011

What A Day!

Today was utterly amazing. :) And eventful. First, we woke up and went to breakfast, then we all split into three groups. Donna Jean and Steve went with Pastor B to one church so he could preach. I've heard wonderful things. :) Jess and I went with Cory to another church for Cory to preach, and Reverend Tim and the rest of our team for him to preach here at our home base church. He spoke about healing.
It was an amazing experience to be there with Cory and Jess at the church we went to. Cory spoke about faith, and everyone was so receptive to what he had to say. Two people (possibly four) were saved! Then we brought everyone up and we prayed for every single person who needed prayer. It was amazing! At first it was all three of us praying together for people, then Jess and I broke off to pray for more people. At some point she and I separated and I ended up praying for a bunch of people all by myself. :) It was beautiful to see all of the people moved by the Holy Spirit. A few people even fainted from the power of The Spirit!
They were all so grateful to us. That is something I noticed about this place: everyone is so grateful and affectionate! The people here have a way of making you feel so loved and wanted. Food is definitely the language of thanks and love here. To say thank you, they feed you. It's so funny. We were hugged and kissed all the way out the door!
Then, after lunch, we all went out to the park. It was packed because today is Bogota's Independence Day! Everyone was playing and flying kites. We set up in different places all over the park and did our program three times. It was really powerful! I even got to do the alter call once! It was so fun to dance and to talk to the Colombians. I keep saying that I'm going to end up with an accent by the time we leave.
All in all, today was life changing for a lot of people. About 70 people have been saved since we got here! And we have 5 days left!

1 comment:

  1. Here are the words for "Undignified" in Spanish.
    I bet the folks from Iglesia Cristiana know this song.


    Cantarè, danzarè, gritarè por mi rey
    No podré esconder el gozo en mi ser
    Cantarè, danzarè, gritarè por mi rey
    No podré esconder el gozo en mi ser
    Y aun más enloqueceré de amor por Él
    Soy un loco por mi rey
    Y aun más enloqueceré de amor por Él
    Soy un loco por mi rey
    Y aun más enloqueceré de amor por Él
    Soy un loco por mi rey
    Y aun más enloqueceré de amor por Él
    Soy un loco por mi rey
    Na, na, na, na, na, na, HEY...etc.

    You can see it here..unless it is not available on your continent.
    LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, Dios Les Bendiga TODOS!!
    sue b. ♥
