Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Monumental Steps: Get Out Your Fancy Shoes!

"When you're in a paver, you really can't see what's ahead of you, but when you look behind you, there's nothing but road. You just have to be pushing and going strong and have faith in God."
      -Donna Jean Deemer
Today we held our last prayer meeting before Friday: The Day We Leave. I'm really excited. With everyone that's going, I know that I'll be so loved and protected. I almost cried! It was really beautiful to see everyone so united. During the prayer, I noticed that we were standing in a circle in the shape of a heart. That really spoke to me. Together, we make the heart of God. We were praying that we be shown His will and His heart for the Colombian people, and it showed. Also I noticed that we were not only working through God's heart but that we were connected to each other through His heart. He brought us together for this purpose and he connected us by our hearts.
With only 1 day, 7 hours, 8 minutes, and 30 seconds left, somehow this whole thing seems to have an unrealistic haze. It's hard to believe that I'm going to be leaving the country in that time! I don't think it'll be completely real to me until I actually step on the plane. I feel so unprepared, and yet, I feel like I couldn't be more ready for this monumental step that I'm about to take.

1 comment:

  1. To those of you who have been to wonderful, amazing Bogotá before, please give my love & (((abrazos))) to pastors John & Alba and to John David, Tina, and the others who will assist you while there. To those who are making their 1st trip to this precious land, may you see the hearts of the people of Colombia with GOD's eyes and may HE give you HIS passion for these dear brothers & sisters. This is a nation with a deep thirst for GOD and for HIS deliverance out of the drug trade and out of this seemingly endless civil war. May GOD bless every one of you, and I will be praying for you all! sue brown
